City continues to run!

It looks like the City is on track and is running fine. Thanks to Karen and Kent Forbes the current bills have been paid and all of the utility bills have been sent to the customers.

Karen Forbes has took on the responsibility for learning the software that is used to run the City. She has paid all of the bills on time. This is a first for a long time. She started around the 25th of January and finished by getting all of the Utility bills in the mail by the 12th of February. Kent Forbes  and George Lange helped get the office cleaned up and operating. Connie Hallberg started learning the operating software on the 12th of February. We will start interviewing the 6 applicants for the City Office posistions  on Monday and Tuesday. We have six good applicants for the two City Office posistions to fill. They should be in place in the next to weeks. It will be nice to have our utility bills on time for a change. There is still a lot of work to do. Be patient and things will work out.
